ND Light Rifle
- Title:
- ND Light Rifle
- When:
- Saturday April 1, 2017
- Where:
- Bottineau Gun Club - Bottineau, North Dakota
- Categories:
- North Dakota State Championship, Light Rifle
SPONSOR: Bottineau Gun Club
DATES: April 1 & April 2, 2017
ENTRY FEE: 30.00 Per Shooter. 5.50 to NRA and 24.50 to BGC
20.00 Per Team. Teams will consist of 4 members of the same gun club and must be declared at time of registration.
COURSE OF FIRE: Two shots at each of the five scoring bulls on the A-32 Target at 50 feet. Standing Only. 100 record shots. Unlimited sighting shots
within time limit.
Match #1 – 20 shots standing
Match #2 – 20 shots standing
Match #3 – 20 shots standing
Match #4 – 20 shots standing
Match #5 – 20 shots standing
Match #6 – Aggregate of match 2 20 shots standing
Match #7 – Aggregate of matches 3 – 4 40 shots standing
Match #8 – Aggregate of matches 3 – 5 60 shots standing
Match #9 – Aggregate of matches 1 – 5 State Championship
Match #10 – Aggregate of the 4 team members scores in match 9
CLASSIFICATION: NRA Classes : Master 94.00 and Above.
Expert 92.00 -------93.99
Sharpshooter 87.50 ------- 91.99
Marksman 87.49 and below.
AWARDS: Certificates or cash will be awarded to match winners in all individual and aggregate matches. Class awards will be given for 1st, 2nd, 3rd in all classes. Traveling trophy to State Champion.
RULES: Current NRA indoor light rifle rules apply. Rule 10.1.6 the rifle will be loaded with only one cartridge at a time.
RELAY TIMES: April 2 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 3:00 PM
April 3 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 3:00 PM
Range capacity is 6 shooters per relay. We will schedule additional
Relays only if all scheduled relays are full.
ENTRIES: Contact: Gary Sivertson, 10476 1st Ave NE, Souris, ND 58783
Home 701-243-6413
Contact information
- Name:
- Gary Sivertson
- Telephone:
- (701) 228-2040
- Location:
- Bottineau Gun Club
- Street:
- Main
- ZIP:
- 58318
- City:
- Bottineau
- State:
- North Dakota
- Country: